National Box Tops Week

Save the Date! The week of September 24-30 is the first ever National Box Tops Week!

The goal of Box Tops Week is to get the word out about Box Tops and how they help our school with funding.

Ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives for their Box Tops and bring them into school – remember each one is worth 10¢ for our PTA! The PTA uses the funds for many things that enhance our school.

Click here for a collection sheet to bring into school – be sure to note your Teacher’s Name and Classroom!

Click here for a small flyer to print out, staple a ziploc bag to and post at work in your break room or anywhere you know people might contribute!

Be sure to bring in Box Tops by September 29 to school to have them count for September and your class could win the traveling trophy for a month!